International Dark-Sky Association Victoria inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. IDAVic has been formed from a group of like minded Victorians who want to see the quality of the night sky retained for future generations.

Australian night skies are still some of the darkest on the planet. IDAVic aims to provide information, and support to any person, organisation or business that  shares our aims.

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Judith Bailey President – Judith is the Manager of the Ballarat Municipal Observatory and Museum and a Delegate for DarkSky International. Judith has been advocating for preservation of the night sky for nearly 30 years. Preserving the Environment for future generations and protecting our heritage, encompassing the values of thousands of years, is the best way

Coula Panagis Secretary

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Dr Nick Lomb Treasurer – Nick an Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Queensland. Previously, he spent over 30 years as Curator of Astronomy at Sydney Observatory and the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. Nick was Vice-President of the Sydney Outdoor Lighting Improvement Society for many years until he shifted to Melbourne, where he is closely involved with IDS Vic.


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Dr Russell Cockman Russell is a retired industrial chemist who continues to share his passion for science by lecturing chemistry at RMIT University, Melbourne and as Observatory Guide at Melbourne Observatory. He continues to enjoy a long-time interest in astronomy as an avid observer and photographer of all things astronomical and being President of IDAVictoria since 2017, he believes that starry night skies can be returned by design and implementation of appropriate outdoor lighting that minimises intrusion of artificial light into the night. Russell enjoys nothing better than standing under the stars in dark skies and marvelling at the Universe above.
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Dr Barry A.J. Clark – BSc, MAppSc, PhD, DipMechEng Retired. Barry is Director, Outdoor Lighting Improvement Section, Astronomical Society of Victoria Inc.  Barry is an amateur astronomer with over six decades of experience and desires sustainable reductions in the extent and brightness of artificial skyglow.
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Associate Professor Margaret Grose – University of Melbourne.  Margaret is an ecologist and landscape architect who teaches design and ecology for designers in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. She teaches the health and ecological impacts of artificial night lighting to design and planning students, has published for the built environment about public lighting, and is interested in improvements to streetlighting in suburbs.

Retired from Committee 2022

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Jason Hammer – ADvDipElecEng (Lighting), MIES, Director of Lightng and electrical Distributors, Jason started his career as an electrical design draftsman, working with Victorian Consulting firms before concentrating his passion for lighting into his chosen field. Jason is passionate about reducing impacts of artificial light on the environment and educating others on light pollution.
The mission of International Dark-Sky Victoria is to preserve and protect the nighttime environment 
and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting. 

The IDA Victoria, through its policies and efforts, seeks to:

1. Improve the nighttime environment by reducing light pollution through better lighting practices that provide:
• Energy savings resulting in economic benefits
• Superb nighttime ambience and quality of life
• Conservation of nocturnal wildlife and ecosystems
• Safeguarding of scientific and educational opportunities, such as astronomy
• Preservation of cultural heritage and inspiration for the arts
• Increased visibility, safety, and security at night by reducing glare
• Protection of human health;
   2. Raise awareness about curtailing light pollution, the beneficial effects of doing so, and its solutions;
   3. Educate about the values of environmentally responsible outdoor ighting while collaborating with other like-minded organizations;
   4. Promote responsible legislation, public policy, research, and standards in a professional and scientifically sound manner; and
    5. Seek specific solutions that mitigate light pollution, including:
• Reduce total light in the nocturnal environment (total lumens in use) through;- Densities (i.e. lux)- Warranting- Controls (e.g. on/off capabilities, time-of-night sensors)- Energy Codes• Shielding and directionality.
• Consideration of spectral distribution.